The Government of Sindh launched a major initiative, titled “Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program” to address the issues of poverty and unemployment through human resource development in the province. The project was undertaken by ECDI in association with PCU – BBSYDP, Government of Sindh, Women Technical Training Center, BufferZone, Women Technical Training Center, North Karachi and Women Technical Training Center, Korangi. The broad objectives of the project covered:

  1. To develop human resources in Sindh catering to the needs of public and private sector in local and international job markets.
  2. To provide stipend to various categories of unemployed educated young trainees during training as a measure to address poverty.
  3. To provide quality trainings and certification 330 unemployed semi-literate and educated youth (females) through the private sector to increase their employability.
  4. To provide trained manpower linkage to the local and international job market and encourage self-employment.
  5. ECDI joined hands with the three aforementioned training institutes under STEVTA, and trained 330 trainees in four months through in-house and customized courses. The trades chosen for training reflected market demand, and covered Dress Making, Stitching & Sewing and Fashion Designing.