Pakistan, despite the enormous potential of its energy resources, remains energy deficient and has to rely heavily on imports to satisfy its energy needs. However, solar energy has excellent potential in Pakistan, which receives high levels of solar radiation through the year, receiving a daily average of about 19 mega joules per square meter of solar energy.

ECDI and MEDA began jointly working on the Behind the Veil (BtV) project from October 2004 in 4 regions of Pakistan, namely, Thatta, Multan, Quetta and Karachi, with a network of 6000 women. With the beneficiaries of the BtV, ECDI initiated the Bottom of the Pyramid Project, as a pilot project with two specific objectives:

  • Improving access of  Solar Energy to IGP (Implementation grants program) REs’
  • Testing a distribution system through existing system of SAs (Sales Agents) ’ ‘Network.